Irony Abounds 0024: ObamaCare Penalties

Reading someone’s “ObamaCare FAQ” list (that ought to tell you everything you need to know, right there), I stumbled across this little gem, buried in the section on penalties for not buying insurance (remember, ObamaCare mandates that everyone buy health insurance):


How’s that again?


An Exciting Change

The Southern Voice is finally in the 2010’s era. After lagging for far too long, the admin has finally downloaded the WordPress mobile app! *loud cheers greet this announcement*

I, too, am thoroughly excited about this development, because it will free me somewhat from the need to be tied to a computer in order to post updates. Having a mobile app will also encourage me to publish some shorter, more precisely-worded updates from time to time. *further cheers* HEY! I heard those cheers, and I’m offended!!

Just teasing…we all know I’m too wordy sometimes.

Ok, ok….most of the time.

All right! I surrender! All the time.

Anyway, the mobile app is now firmly ensconced on the writer’s phone, and will be on the “frequently used” list–soon and permanently.

Thanks again for your continued patronage of this blog!


David Crain
The Southern Voice Writer

Where, Oh Where Has “The Southern Voice” Gone?

For several weeks, I’ve been hearing from followers on both WordPress and Facebook, wondering where in the world I’ve been, and why I haven’t been blogging more often. I would like to take a moment to update all my followers with a long-overdue status update and outlook for the blog.

Most of the folks who follow this blog have been with me long enough to know that I’ve been in school on and off since the end of 2008. This past semester proved to be the busiest yet, with a full class load and a full-time job for the last month and a half of the semester. Nothing new for a self-financed college student, but this semester has been different.

The truth is, Facebook followers of The Southern Voice have an advantage over those who stick to WordPress. They’re in on the secret. And it’s a good one. That’s why I’m grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

Grinning like the cat that ate the canary
Grinning like the cat that ate the canary
Continue reading “Where, Oh Where Has “The Southern Voice” Gone?”

Can’t Sleep? Post…

Yes, it’s true. Time Change Sunday caught me prepared for a change…don’t everybody fall over dead at once, now. Instead of feeling dead to the world, tired, and ready for a good night’s sleep, I’m wide awake and suffering a mild case of insomnia. 😛

So, not wanting this time to be a complete waste I hop on the ‘net and find…..

A refreshing dose of sanity.

South Dakota is now my favorite state. Well, almost. NC is still my favorite.

Go on…you know you want to…

Oh, and by the way, South Dakota Legislature? I came up with the idea.

Now, about those royalties….

That's right. I'm gonna ". . . make you an offer [you] can't refuse."
That’s right. I’m gonna “. . . make you an offer [you] can’t refuse.”